My most recent talks, together with slides, are found below.


Sampling from Gaussian Process Posteriors using Stochastic Gradient Descent Research Talk at the Cambridge University Engineering Department, UK

The Linearised Laplace Approximation Machine Learning Reading Group Talk at the Cambridge University Engineering Department, UK
[Link], [Slides]


Bayesian Inference
Talk at the 2022 Deep Learning indaba in Tunis [Link], [Slides]

Adapting the Linearised Laplace Model Evidence for Modern Deep Learning
Spotlight talk at ICML 2022 in Baltimore, USA [Slides], [Video]

Developments in Inference with Linearised Neural Networks
Mathematics of Deep Learning Reading Group at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge

Bayesian Deep Learning with Linearised Neural Networks
Talk at the Alto University and ELLIS unit Helsinki Seminar on Advances in Probabilistic Machine Learning
[Link], [Slides]

Linearised Laplace Inference in Networks with Normalisation Layers and the Neural g-Prior
Contributed talk at 4th Symposium on Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference (AABI)
[Link], [Slides]


An Introduction to PAC-Bayes
Machine Learning Reading Group Talk at the Cambridge University Engineering Department, UK
[Link], [Slides]

Tractable Bayesian Deep Learning on Subnetworks
Seminar at the UCL Centre for Inverse Problems in Imaging
[Link], [Slides]

Getting a CLUE: A Method for Explaining Uncertainty Estimates (CCAIM Showcase)
Research showcase talk at the Cambridge Center for AI in Medicine (CCAIM)
[Link], [Slides]

Inference in Stochastic Processes
Machine Learning Reading Group Talk at the Cambridge University Engineering Department, UK
[Link], [Slides]


Depth Uncertainty in Neural Networks (AMLAB Edition)
Talk in the Amsterdam Machine Learning Group (AMLAB)’s weekly seminar
[Link], [Slides]

ML Interpretability: Beyond Feature Importance
Talk for RSQRD-AI’s session on Explainable AI
[Link], [Slides]

Depth Uncertainty in Neural Networks
Spotlight presentation at the Uncertainty & Robustness in Deep Learning (UDL) workshop at ICML 2020
[Link], [Slides]

Getting a CLUE: A Method for Explaining Uncertainty Estimates
Oral presentation at the Machine Learning in Real Life (ML-IRL) workshop at ICLR 2020
[Link], [Slides]

Variational Depth Search in ResNets
Oral presentation at the Neural Architecture Search (NAS) workshop at ICLR 2020
[Link], [Slides]

Self-Supervised Representation Learning
Machine Learning Reading Group Talk at the Cambridge University Engineering Department, UK
[Link], [Slides]


Disentangling in Variational Autoencoders with Natural Clustering
Oral presentation at the 18th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications - ICMLA 2019, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

Bayesian Methods in Deep Learning
Research Seminar at the Computer Engineering Department at the University of Zaragoza, Spain.
[Link], [Slides]